La realidad de mi subconsciente es inalterable
Por eso nadie cambiará esta frase...
"mientras más pequeña la mente
Más grande es tu boca"

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Mierda psicologica

-Tch..! you asshole couldnt hold on yourself could you..?, you´re an asshole and you know why? because you cant never do things the rigth just keep making mistakes on and on and on...fuck! im tired of this shit...tell me what the hell are you doing?  first of all you´re a coward, second of all you´re an idiot i cant stand the fack that you just...keep doing shit dont you see it? He´s just using you, you are he´s toy of course! he loves you FOR FUN.! he does´nt care about you he just want you to be there whenever he wants, doing whatever he wants!.
................................... and you really thing this is the "one" haha! you stupid piece of shit....oh whats up? did i hurt your feelings? you wanna cry? eh? eh? GO on! cry like a little baby you dickhead....

-Why are you doing this to me?...this is what you wanted? wacthing me crush the fucking floor and burried myself... are you happy now?  i want this he loves me, he es the only thing i love and want truly dont you get it?

-YOU dont get it! he FUCKED another woman! he cheated on you! while you was sitting here waiting like a little asshole...tch...!

-People make mistakes all the time...

-BUT! when you "love" someone you dont fucking cheat on them....
plus...i dont know but...i think you cant be happy with him...ever...

-what you know? happy now...i know it hurts think about..."that" but...i must live on..trying to love him make him happy try to live happy...i dont know..what to do..?

-Do yo want to know what to do...?
First you are trash you are you may better k......

Deneve.!! Deneve! eeeeh despierta!....Que te pasa? ..........y volvi a ver sus ojos....

"No puedes vivir si dejas de soñar..." ¡Just try to fucking do it....tch!...!

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