La realidad de mi subconsciente es inalterable
Por eso nadie cambiará esta frase...
"mientras más pequeña la mente
Más grande es tu boca"

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

¿Y a donde se va mary poppins ?


Enserio...por que me gustaria encontrarla
Yeah i would like that dont I? silly me, silly me....right?
Mary nunca habla, nunca lo dise es un secreto,
Sshhh..better star you own way, onces mary poppins go theres no way shes coming back
Like a lightning, strikes and then go back to her places, but dont worried is all good, you will be ok trust me
Just truuuuuuuuuuust me, you got anyone...well maybe that strange girl that is try to find you know again but...oh well, where can mary poppins be? where?, silly me...silly me

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